Youth Circles

Youth is our top priority, they are the future messengers of our beloved messenger, Prophet Mohamed. Since its inception, MAS Bay Area has dedicated a significant portion of its effort to offer youth development activities and programs.

The Youth Circle (Halaqah) program strengthens the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood between the participating teens and young adults. Each youth circle is led by an experienced adult mentor who leads by example, and becomes a trustworthy figure for the youth to open up and share their thoughts, questions, and concerns. Youth circles are not a substitute for weekend Islamic education programs, but rather provides an open and safe environment for the youth to ask tough questions, and connect together to Allah. Volunteerism is a critical component of MAS Youth Circle, to develop them into future leaders and contributing citizens of their Muslim communities and the society.


Registration is Now OPEN

$200/person covering September 2024 – May 2025

Boys (Grades 6 & 7) – FULL


5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

MAS Bay Area Office

Leader: Br. Omar Alnaggar

Boys (Grades 7 – 9)


6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Islamic Community of Bay Area Bosniaks: 345 Northlake Dr, San Jose

Leaders: Hamadah Alayleh & Abdulrahman Ibrahim

Boys (Grades 10 & 11)


9:00 am – 10:00 am

MAS Bay Area Office

Leader: Br. Sulayman Saib

Boys (Grades 10 & up)


After Fajr


Leader: Br. Khaled El Wazeer

Girls (Grades 6 & 7)


6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

MAS Bay Area Office

Leader: Sr. Nisreen Zeidan

Girls (Grades 8 & 9)


6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

MAS Bay Area Office

Leader: Sr. Nada Sarhan

Girls (Grades 10 & Up)


6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

MAS Bay Area Office

Leader: Sr. Alaa Youssef