Islamic Studies Diploma

Diploma for Boys & Girls 14+

Islamic Studies Diploma for Adults

If you are interested in an Islamic Studies Diploma for Adults, please fill out the interest form

MAS Bay Area is proud to announce this unique opportunity offered by Imam Fuad Mohamed to earn an Islamic Studies Diploma. This Advanced Islamic Studies program is for boys and girls ages 14 and older. The curriculum is designed to give a holistic understanding of Islam. Topics covered include Adab, Fiqh, Aqeedah, Hadith, and Arabic.

Diploma Information:

Number of Required Courses: 12 Courses
Duration of each Course: 10 weeks

To acquire the Islamic Studies Diploma, students must successfully complete ALL 12 courses. In addition, students can potentially receive ijazah in materials studied.

The first course will be offered this Fall. Sign up TODAY!

Adab 101: Tadhimul Ilm | Exaltation of Knowledge

Sundays | October 6th – December 15th | 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM | MAS Office | Cost: $350

Ta’dhim al-‘Ilm by Shaykh Saalih ibn Abdillah Ibn Hamad al-Usaymi In this book the Shaykh provides twenty essential tools for every student of the sacred sciences to reach the heights of knowledge. The author discusses the importance of cleansing the heart, sincerity, high aspirations, memorisation and much more. Every student should be adorned with these jewels throughout their journey of seeking knowledge.